W211 Digital Speedo Says KM But Show MP Value

  • Thread starternenfret90
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Hi! :)
I have imported a W211 E350, 2006 year modell from Japan.
Since the car was showing fuel consumption in the KM/L format(Japan), i got a guy to code it with some Autel device to show the EU format: 0.0L/100KM.

I am not sure what but his Autel device might have asked him to select a few details about the car before proceeded to the actual coding. Me being happy about this change, noticed while driving and playing with the IC settings a few days later that the analog spedometer needlee is showing the correct speed as usual: Km/h, but the digital speedometer on the screen is saying KM/h but showing MP/h values.

For example i can be driving at 100 kilometers per hour on the annalog but the digital display show 160 KM/H.
The weird thing is if i use the cruise controll handle to lock the speed, the correct speed wil be shown for a few seconds before it switches back to the faulty one.

Does anybody know which setting this is and how i can fix it using any software? I have a clone openeport 2.0 and Das/Xentry/Vediamo on my computer.
For better understanding of the problem watch my video at the end of the page.
Thank you all in advance, seeing forward to hear from you all :)

Japan format fuel consumption image:

EU format fuel consumption image:

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You should be able to use Vediamo and your openport device, connect to the instrument cluster (ICxxx file for your car) and there is a section for regional variant coding that should have these options all on the same page. I cannot remember them off the top of my head - so sorry, but hoping some of this guidance helps you
Go to the ki211.cbf and look trough these settings:

You will need the "Verbrauchsanzeige km(1)"

Wegstreckeneinheit für Tachorücksetzung(1)
km 0200
Verbrauchsanzeige km(1)
l/100km 0204
Verbrauchsanzeige miles(1)
mi/UK Gallonen 0205
Format Datumsanzeige(1)
TT.MM.JJJJ (deutsch) 0251
UK 0223
Einheit DTR-Skala(1)
Meter 0219
Einheit Tacho-Skala(1)
km/h-Skala 0068
Darstellung Geschw.-Warnung(1)
km/h 0187
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Solved using Texa and cluster recoding. Thanks all!
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