Easiest Way to Find the Size of a Brake Disc

  • Thread starterZiMMeN
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I am trying to replace the brake discs on my 2013 MB E-Class T-Modell (S212). I have been searching online for replacements but am a little confused about the sizes. I have seen several sizes listed and am not sure which one will fit my car.

Is there an easy way to find out the exact size of my brake disks? I've heard that using the VIN number might be an option. Does anyone know if this is possible or if there is another way to determine the correct size?

Any advice and recommendations would be highly appreciated.
In my opinion, probably the easiest ways for you are: Physically measure them, or call a MB dealership with your VIN number and get a part number for the brake rotor.
If you have access to the EPC, it will tell you the correct part number. If not, contact your parts dealer or jack up the vehicle and measure.
If really stuck remove wheel and place a mark on circumference of disc using marker pen. Cut a strip of paper 100mm long and align this with you first mark and lay around the disc allowing you to make a second mark 100mm from the first. Repeat until you complete the full circumference marking the final section on the paper. Add together the 100's plus final shorter length on paper and divide total by 3.142 to obtain the disc diameter.
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