Update the Firmware SDconnect MB C4 and MB C5

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  • Thread starterCarMan
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Update the Firmware SDconnect MB C4 and MB C5

Step 1:
Prepare 6 AA batteries 1.5V.

MB SD C4 (Item No.SP-100D) and SD C5 (Item No.SP255) require 6 AA batteries, but DOIP MB SD C4 PLUS (Item No. SP100-E) does not require batteries for firmware update.
Be sure to supply power through the OBD2 port for SDconnect during the update process.

Install 6 batteries AA
Step 2: Remove the protective back cover and you will see where the batteries are installed.

Location batteries install
Step 3: Connect power via OBD2, connect the LAN port to the laptop, and then open SDconnect Toolkit.

Step 4: Run the update and wait until it completes successfully.

Start upload-1 Update successful Update
Another case: If SDconnect Toolkit gives an error message: "SDconnect battery voltage too low 645" or "Check batteries".

- Cause:

+ You don't have AA batteries.
+ The power/charging circuit is damaged.

- How to solve this problem:

+ Find a file named "toolkit.ini". Go to this path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mercedes-Benz\SDconnect Toolkit\bin\toolkit.ini".
+ Two line search command:


+ Let's change the following lines so that the supply and/or battery voltage is lower than the actual voltage (setting them to zero is sufficient).




Finally update and wait until everything completes successfully.
Good luck!
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Instead of asking, I just opened my Chinese SD C4 and unfortunately found that it is not ready to install any batteries and does not even look like the one in your photos.
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To prevent the C4 from malfunctioning, always remove the batteries from it when using it, and never connect the C4 to a vehicle without a charger or with a defective battery. A breakdown occurs when the supply voltage drops when the device is loading! In all other cases, no update is required.
Very bad advice not to use the batteries provided by the developer in SDconnect! They, the batteries, are intended, among other things, to protect SDconnect from external voltage drops.
Also strange is the advice to work with the car only with the charger connected. This is not always convenient, and sometimes it is not possible.
I would advise, if possible, to restore the ability of SDconnect to work with internal batteries and modify the multiplexer to completely disconnect the batteries after switching to sleep mode.
If you work at a station with cars and the internal batteries are constantly charging, then, of course, using batteries is justified. And they can still sag overnight. And if you accidentally press the power button of the device while walking to the car, and the batteries are dead, you will get a "brick". We have all been through this, hence the advice. In short, they are definitely only needed for reflashing the device.
You can update SDconnect C4 without batteries, you need to edit toolkit.ini, but first you need to change the security settings for this file. First find the file in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mercedes-Benz\SDconnect Toolkit\bin", right click and go to properties, then the security tab, then click edit - add, click advanced and then find now, select everyone, then OK, and then allow full access, click OK, and then OK again. Now you can edit the file. Change
MinUpdateVoltageVBatt=7200 to MinUpdateVoltageVBatt=0 and MinUpdateVoltageVExt=11000 to MinUpdateVoltageVExt=0.
Save the file and reboot your computer. Now you can update C4 without batteries.
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