As for the guide, if you're just using ZenZefi that comes with Xentry, ignore all the corporate stuff, it's of no use to you.
You can use a valid certificate (with an appropriate file name) to automatically create offline accounts with that User ID and import the certificate into that account. This creates a Xentry account without a username and password, but with a User ID. Xentry 123456 is also created with it, so you can log into it as usual.
You can use it to log into an existing After-sales XenXefi account (like "xentry" account from Xentry 123456 that most use) useful for working with Monaco...
You can create a 'no username & and no password' Xentry account by only entering UserID in the create account section...
You can use it to log into an existing ZenZefi After-Sales account (such as the "xentry" account from Xentry 123456, which is the most commonly used account) useful for DTS Monaco.
You can create a "no username/password" Xentry account by simply entering your User ID in the account creation section.
If you do not need a password for your Xentry account, ONLY USE LOWERCASE FOR USERNAME.