Tuning the Mercedes W177 A180 to A200

  • Thread starterhassank1
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Hello everybody!

I found out that my W177 A180 has the exact same components as the A200 but it has been de-tuned by the factory.
I would appreciate it if somebody had a file copy of the A200 so that I can compare the values and tune the car back to its "proper" figures.

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Reactions:Erdyasin58 and Fotom
What file copy do you mean? A few years back I have in mind that several people changed the software of the 300 engine to make a 350 out of it. In fact it was very easy: Look for the SW numbers on the A200 and try to flash those on your ECU. Don´t forget to make a backup of your entire coding settings first and if it doesn´t work out the way you want it then flash back the old flash files (those are shown on your ECU or in a backup of a previous Xentry readout pdf file stored in your pdf manager).

But in fact there is maybe some more to do than only flashing the right files if you want to do it correct: Check the other control units that they recognize that they are now in an A200, like CPC_NG, EIS and maybe the most to tell the transmission it is in a changed environment.

I like the idea but I can not tell you if it could work on your car as well.

The total fallback could be to go to a car tuner who could at least put in modified maps to your ECU for a higher output. But that would not be what you want to realize.

I would be interested in the result if you tried it, so please report back about the result!
Thank you for the valuable information. I am new to this and just want to learn more about what it takes to modify the maps. Your message helped me a lot but I have still some questions and would appreciate the help.

1. Do you have the forum post of the people trying to solve the similar problem with the 300 engine?
2. With a file copy I was referring to the ECU files from the A200. I do not have access to an A200, that is why I was asking if someone had the files and could post them here.

A tuner could just do it but I believe it is more fun to learn from these interesting problems and as you said this could interest more people that is why I am trying to solve it.
You could try to change motor_hubraum, but most likely like in previous generation it would be locked from changing. Its locked in EEPROM, and I doubt its easy to change. Best way is to read flash of A180 and A200 cars with same ME ECU Variant, compare flash. Though its way easier to make stage 1.
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Reactions:Erdyasin58 and hassank1
Is there any way to convert A200 to A250e?
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Is there any way to convert A200 to A250e?

I work with a similar issue.
When performing a conversion, you must also change the EZS.
EZS has a configuration where the unit in the vehicle is linked to the immobilizer.
The starter generator (48V) and electric motors are part of the immobilizer (FBS4) and therefore must be included in the EZS configuration.
I changed the ECU, EZS, transmission and electric motor driver (LE_TUBE) - this is my experience with W205.
I wish you success!
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Hello everybody!

I found out that my W177 A180 has the exact same components as the A200 but it has been de-tuned by the factory.
I would appreciate it if somebody had a file copy of the A200 so that I can compare the values and tune the car back to its "proper" figures.


Have you made any progress?
What I mean is that you need to know that you need to disable the firewall first and then unlock the required ECUs with the appropriate levels before any changes can be applied.

Is there any way to convert A200 to A250e?

As far as I know, this is not possible because the A200 is a semi-hybrid car and the A250e is a true PHEV. It has a special battery etc. to increase power etc.

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